Zurich Philippines - Offers family personal accident insurance, golfer's insurance, home insurance, and motor car insurance.
NonLifeInsurance.com - Professional car and home insurance agent in Manila, Philippines. Tips and guide to getting non life insurance.
Blue Cross Insurance, Inc. - Provides medical insurance, travel insurance, healthcare plans, medical assistance and more.
Espiritu Associates - One of the pioneer agencies of Philamlife for over five decades.
Federal Phoenix Assurance Co., Inc. - Offers fire, motor, casualty, marine, engineering, personal accident and medical.
First Filipinas Insurance Brokers Corporation - Offers non-life insurance products. With its company profile, mission, product lines, and contact information.
Government Service Insurance System - Official site of the GSIS.
Insular Life - Provide financial security to Filipino families.
Loyola Plans Consolidated, Inc. - Offers insurance plan for children's education.
Professional Group Plans Corporation, The - Offers pension and academic plans.
Prudentialife Plans, Inc. - A pre-need company with affiliates in financial services, real estate, travel and leisure, memorialization and information technology.
Sun Life Financial - Offers gorup insurance, individual insurance, mutual funds and pre-need plan.
Titanium Insurance Group - Insurance offered includes the following: fire, motorcar, healthcare, bonds, general accident, marine, and engineering.